Next Meeting--June 4, 2025-- LDS Hospital Auditorium (Jon & Karen Huntsman Educ Ctr)
Next Meeting--June 4, 2025-- LDS Hospital Auditorium (Jon & Karen Huntsman Educ Ctr)
Presentations should be simple and not overly formal. However, you will need to do some research in order to explain the impact that the charity has had in the past, and what project our award will be used to support. The organization must be a registered non-profit based in Salt Lake County and serving county residents. If you want to present a charity, you must be a member of 100 Women Who Care Salt Lake City, must have attended at least two meetings, and must have consistently made your $100 donations to the Impact Award recipients, before you present. It is considered bad manners to join just to receive a donation and then quit your membership. We seek long-time members.
To be eligible for presentation, a non-profit must have been in operation for at least a year so that there is a track record for how funds have been collected and spent. Please keep in mind that our donations are intended to benefit those in need with a specific project rather than going into a capital fund or contributing to ongoing expenses. We like to know exactly how our money will be spent. We are looking for ways that we can have the greatest impact in our community. Although there are many worthy non-profits that help individuals with emergency funds or gift cards, those projects are not eligible for presentation to 100 Women Who Care Salt Lake City.
Download and complete the fact sheet below. At least three weeks before our meeting you must contact Frances Friedrich (, 801.232.0998) so she can review the fact sheet, make sure there are no duplicates, and talk through your presentation. Two weeks before the meeting, the names of three non-profits will be drawn from a hat to determine which groups will be presented and the presenters will be notified. The order of presentations will be randomly determined at the meeting.
The winning charity must agree not to use the names of the members for future solicitations or give member information out for any other public use or purpose. The charity is also invited to have a representative attend a future meeting to explain to the membership how the funds are being used.
100WWCSLC Non-Profit Fact Sheet (docx)